Alert Neighbors
- Know your neighbors and watch out for each other.
- Swap contact information in case there is an emergency.
Crime Prevention Suggestions
- Report anything suspicious when walking or jogging in the neighborhood (Becoming a "No Solicitation" neighborhood will further help identify those who may be suspicious.)
- Do not leave mail in your mailbox overnight.
- Use a gel-pen when writing checks - it smears when erased
- Use the BAPD lobby or parking lot if making a Craiglist/Facebook Marketplace transaction.
- Play talk radio with a timer to give the suggestion that someone is home.
- Make your house visible (shrubs under 3' & prune lower 6' of trees)
Support documents from the BA Police Department
Additional Resources
- Citizen reporting tool to make the city aware of potholes, graffiti, illegal dumping, abandoned vehicles, burned out streetlights, company solicitations in the neighborhood, etc.
Animal Control - 918-259-8311
BA Police (non-emergency) - 918-259-8400